Monday, May 10, 2010

UR Doin it Right

First off, I'm new to the blog scene, so forgive my first few posts; I'm trying to find my legs.

I am often at odds with my peers due simply to the fact that I over-analyze everything. This trend does, however, have its advantages. I'll demonstrate by taking my first few outings into positive territory; Media Molecule is doing it right.

The following trailer is the formal announcement of LittleBIGPlanet 2. I'm going to briefly list just a few of the bullet points that make this not only a stunningly successful trailer, but an example of what more companies need to remember about their target audience.
(Video may not be available for mobile site.)
  1. Music is not only fitting to the overall theme of Play.Create.Share., but immediately grabs the audience's attention.
  2. IMMEDIATELY involves the userbase by reminding them of what an amazing thing both the game, and their creativity have created.
  3. Segue's into an extended showing of new features and upgrades that were not only discussed at length on the forums, but by the developers themselves (if only in double-speak)
  4. Throws out a blast from the past by reminding the audience that all their hard work is not only worthwhile, but will be fully supported once the new game hits.
For those of you who haven't played LittleBIGPlanet yet, I strongly urge you to do so. It's a wonderful game that not only has the charm and whit most of our realistic so-called triple A titles lack, but charms tastefully and at the same time without taking itself seriously at all.

I'll close by reiterating the video's most profound statement. LittleBIGPlanet isn't just a platform game, it's a platform for games.

1 comment:

  1. Every once in a while, a game does something right. It makes me happy.


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