Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fun with Punnett squares and playing the odds

I seem to be finding a lot of interesting videos lately. I'll share this one as it seems relevant to the "logic" debates I often find myself in. Sometimes something simple is the easiest way to explain the potential end of the world as we know it after all.

Now while these arguments have been spoken by those of much higher office than I many times before, it stands to reason that the man at least has a point. By using Punnett squares to make a simple cause effect list of the scenarios, it's easy enough to show where the best potential outcomes lie. Either we do nothing and get lucky, or do something, spend a little money, and have a manageable time.

Nobody wants the extreme cases where either we crash the global economy or end up living through what could be comparable to the biblical apocalypse in some ways, so we're left with one logical course: action. Those of us with business degrees will tell you quickly how important cost-benefit analysis is. It's the fastest way to determine how you get screwed the least in a transaction, and if this is to be believed, a pretty easy formula for picking what should be a necessary battle.

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