Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kicking it Off With Something I Like

So, finally, Final Fantasy IX is coming to the US PSN. Soon, anyway, according to the PSN Blog. No actual date has been announced unfortunately. In anycase, this Final Fantasy happens to be my favourite one. It had a versatile cast of characters, who had depth and were more relatable than that of VII or VIII's, in my opinion.

One of the things I loved so much about IX happened to be Zidane. He was peppy, happy-go-lucky, and had an all out good view on life, for the most part. After VII and VIII, he was a breath of fresh air, all things considered. He never whined, or complained, he simply went ahead and did what he thought was right, and I commended him for this. Granted by the end of the game, he became slightly more downtrodden, but without spoiling anything, he certainly had every right to be.

Since this isn't a review or anything, just simply something I stumbled across, and wanted to kick this place off with something, I'll end it here. I hope there are others who share my excitement in the fact that Final Fantasy IX is coming to the PSN soon.


via [PSN Blog]

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