Sunday, May 9, 2010

Paying for Wii Online?

So yeah, apparently Shigeru Miyamoto said in an interview, that free online gaming with the Wii could change. Pay for online with the Wii? A ridiculous thought, to be honest. It doesn't even offer enough with the free online gaming. There are barely any titles that would even benefit from this, I can probably count them all on one hand. But then again, that's purely my opinion.

Using Friend Codes the way they do, isn't very optimal, they would more than likely have to perform a complete overhaul of the entire online system. And as much as I would like to see them do that, I think it would be for naught. 

It'll be very hard to convince people that the Wii is a viable online gaming plaform, espesially since it's already been established that it's not. I think gamers have already concluded, if you want to play an online game, you do it with PC, PS3, or 360. After so many years of giving us the same thing, over and over again, it's really hard to change how people view you. 

That said, I'd love to see what they think, they could do, to change this.

via [Gaming Center Online]

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