Sunday, May 9, 2010


Finally! I remember seeing this back in the September 2009 issue of Game Informer(link's to some pretty neat screenshots of the game). It's supposed to come out sometime this year(2010) on Xbox 360 and PS3; published by Namco Bandai. I love these type of games, to be honest, and so when I saw this, I became really excited.

The story, to sum up, is about a guy named Monkey who lives in a post-apocalyptic New York City, where robots have taken over and are now capturing humans and shipping them off to who knows where. He meets a girl named Trip who apparently, is trying to get back to her village but can't do it on her own, so she needs him to become her bodyguard. I'm going to assume he refuses, which is why she might have put a collar on him, forcing him to bend to her will, and if he doesn't, well, let's just say it's not a good idea not to. They end up making a good pair, however, Monkey being able to beat up robots they come across and Trip with her ability to solve puzzles and hack things that he cannot.

I'm also really interested in their dynamic. In the magazine, they mentioned at first, he's really rough with her, tossing her harshly to where ever she needs to get to, and as the game progresses he becomes gentler with her, things like that.

Anyway, the real reason for this is because they revealed the first footage of it today. So I'm sharing with you. Enjoy.

(Video may not be available on mobile site version.)

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