Friday, July 2, 2010

[My2Cents] Sin & Punishment 2: Star Successor

Alrighty. So, I pre-ordered my copy of Sin & Punishment 2; after finally picking it up last night, I popped it in to play this evening. 

I'm not really too keen on delving into the story, so here's the summary of the game from its wiki, who can give it to you straight better than I:
"Taking place many years after the Successor to the Earth, Star Successor reveals that there are two dimensions present within the universe: Inner-Space and Outer-Space. In Inner-Space, there multiple Earths, watched over by beings known as "The Creators" (literally referred to as "God" in the Japanese version). The creators have guided mankind to defend their planets and fight, destroying mankind whenever it strays from its destined path by attempting to bring about peace. Outer-Space sends invaders, however, to deal with Inner-Space, and sends an agent in the form of a human girl to infiltrate Earth-4. An agent of Earth-4, Isa Jo, is sent to find and kill the Outer-Space infiltrator, only to find that the girl has become infatuated with humans due to a lack of her own memory, aside from knowing that part of her name was "Chi." Naming her "Kachi," Isa decides to protect her and help her to live, something which goes against the creator's wishes. As a result, the creators send out a group known as the Nebulox (G5, or the "Group of Five Countries" in the Japanese version), led by Isa's former ally Deko, to kill Kachi and Isa for his betrayal. Adding to this are the beings known as the "Keepers," lifeforms which have worked to destroy any supposed contaminants to Earth-4, which have attacked humans and Outer-Space invaders. Isa, already having denounced the creators for their cruelty, decides to go on the run with Kachi to escape the Nebulox, board an Air Ship, and stop the Nebulox once and for all. "

This game is pretty damn awesome so far. Playing it on normal mode at the moment; controls are pretty smooth and I didn't find the difficulty to be too daunting; challenging certainly, but never enough so that I wanted to throw my controller down in rage mode. 

The story and dialog is kind of cheesy and campy, of course, you expected it to be. But it's not as bad as I was expecting, it's tolerable. For those of you with the NA versions, it comes fully packed with Japanese voice-over and subtitles so the game can be played completely in its native language if that's your thing.

One of the cool things about the gameplay is being able to dodge enemy fire at will, and also being able to use melee attacks on anything that just happens to jump out in front of you; both things that are hardly present in any other typical rail-shooter. (Speaking of which, some people classify this as a shmup. Others call it a rail-shooter. I am undecided. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.)

There's never a dull moment on screen which is great, you're constantly shooting or dodging something, testing your ability keep up with both. There's even multiplayer for those who want to co-op it up with a friend on their couch at home. Which brings me to my next point:

The multiplayer... is a tad dissatisfying. The first players character is most prominent. The second players character is never on screen. Most of you might insist that this is okay, that's how rail-shooters are, and I would agree with you in a second. However, watching the first player jump, dodge, shoot, and use a sword against the vast amount of enemies on screen, while you sit there and just shoot, is kind of boring to say the least.

Now if you're with a younger child or girlfriend who's not very good at games and yet wants to play with you, but you don't want them to get you killed, this is perfect. You do all the hard stuff, they just aim and shoot. And when or if they get tired of playing(as I did), they can sit their wiimote down and just walk away.

That's how much your measly second player presence is needed in co-op.

But, despite my harsh feelings on this so called co-op, don't let that detract you from the game. It is indeed amazing, awesome, and every bit as fun as it can be. The gameplay is fun and dynamic, fun can still be had with friends; the music is great and catchy, and it will certainly give you a challenge, should you be willing to accept it.

[summary via Sin & Punishment 2 Wiki ]

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