Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nerds Are Just Another Form of Homosexuals, Apparently.

The last thing I want to do is give publicity to ignorant hateful people such as this, but apparently, the Westboro Baptist Church(Warning: Very hateful unabashed language and actions toward homosexuals are posted on this site, visit at your own discretion.) are going to protest Comic-Con. (And I went and searched for it for you so you and took a screenshot so you don't have to visit the site.) For the simple reason of:

Yep. Because apparently, people are worshiping false gods according to them.

To go and protest where people are just going to have some harmless fun for a weekend, all for nothing, because they think some of these people are going to hell because they like their comic books; just screams publicity stunt. But then again, this is Westboro I'm talking about here. They've done countless things like this in the past. Shame they're still around; it's people like this that give reputable Christians and Catholics a bad name; and I can say that without being either.

But now, they're also going to demonize adults and children alike, who spend their free time reading comic books? Sure, they go to cons to buy and sell them, dress up like their favourite character for a day or two, but then a good majority go back on home, back to work, to their families, to their churches, and continue living their lives, as what I'm hoping, to be good people. Free of the so-called worship, this church is saying they do.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who take things too far in their life, become obsessed with them, but that can happen with almost anything,  even religion.

This instance, to me, happens to be the pot calling the kettle black. 

They should be going after the real abomination here: The Platypus.

(via blastr)

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