Saturday, September 25, 2010


We have moved over to the new website, thank you for waiting for us. I hope you enjoy the new site. Please visit the link below.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I apologize for the lack of updates, however, soon I will be moving techture to my own web host. I will provide the link soon.

Please bear with us.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jailbreaking Legalized for Mobile Phones

Major news for those of us who have, or considered, jailbreaking a piece of tech we own; we aren't criminals for that action anymore.

Light-Speed Computing A Step Closer

My father and I have been having this conversation for many years. Read a few old sci-fi books, and you'll see numerous references to instant computing via light waves. It seems like a few engineers at Intel are taking their leisure reading to heart in this ongoing endeavor.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Old Habits Die Hard

In our hustle of flashy electronics, gaming, and just plain working too much, it's pretty easy to miss "little" tidbits like this. Those major maladies we still suffer from as a species are actively being hunted, and in cases like this, we're using an old and sometimes flawed tactic to do it; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Free iPhone/iTouch Apps of the Day

Digital Heist - Download in AppStore

Alright, this game is pretty awesome. Turns out some Russian hackers digify you and put you in the "mainframe of the United States Federal Reserve". Help them get the money, and they let you out. Don't, and well, they don't.

 It's pretty simple, you have to get from one end to the other by tilting your device to avoid little square pegs in the middle. I don't know what they do, I haven't touched one yet. I'm assuming they're bad however. Anyway, once you get the money, the alarm sounds and you have to go back where you came from. Sounds simple, but it's really fun, give it a shot. I don't think I'll get bored of this one any time soon.

More after the jump.

[Music] AKFG - Magic Disc

Excited! One of my favourite overseas bands just happens to be Asian Kung Fu Generation. I'm sure you've heard of them, if you like anime and what not I suppose. Anyway, they've come out with a new album; Magic Disc! Can't wait to hear it! 

According to Kurosaki from, the bonus track, “Solanin” / SORANIN is the theme song for a movie of the same title.

View the track list and trailer for the movie after the jump!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nerds Are Just Another Form of Homosexuals, Apparently.

The last thing I want to do is give publicity to ignorant hateful people such as this, but apparently, the Westboro Baptist Church(Warning: Very hateful unabashed language and actions toward homosexuals are posted on this site, visit at your own discretion.) are going to protest Comic-Con. (And I went and searched for it for you so you and took a screenshot so you don't have to visit the site.) For the simple reason of:

Yep. Because apparently, people are worshiping false gods according to them.

To go and protest where people are just going to have some harmless fun for a weekend, all for nothing, because they think some of these people are going to hell because they like their comic books; just screams publicity stunt. But then again, this is Westboro I'm talking about here. They've done countless things like this in the past. Shame they're still around; it's people like this that give reputable Christians and Catholics a bad name; and I can say that without being either.

But now, they're also going to demonize adults and children alike, who spend their free time reading comic books? Sure, they go to cons to buy and sell them, dress up like their favourite character for a day or two, but then a good majority go back on home, back to work, to their families, to their churches, and continue living their lives, as what I'm hoping, to be good people. Free of the so-called worship, this church is saying they do.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who take things too far in their life, become obsessed with them, but that can happen with almost anything,  even religion.

This instance, to me, happens to be the pot calling the kettle black. 

They should be going after the real abomination here: The Platypus.

(via blastr)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

This Would Probably Sell Better Than Real Sonic Games.

Normally I don't see much fun, or use in ROM hacks, but I found this one very interesting. It's one of those hacks that makes collecting rings in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 bad for you, forcing you to run around the stages just to avoid rings. The game itself is intact, which makes it harder, since the stages are designed to help you actually collect them. 

I won't spoil it for you though. Have a watch for yourself. 

If you find it as funny as I did, and want to try it yourself, you can get it here.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

[My2Cents] Crackdown 2

I was one of the very few people that picked it up the first one for the actual game, and not the beta for Halo 3. I enjoyed the first one, I did really. But I have a horrible problem when I play sandbox games unfortunately; I tend to just run loose in the city and rampage or collect orbs, so I hadn't actually beat Crackdown. So with the help of a friend, we sat down two nights before the game came out, and beat our games(since he hadn't beaten it either). Turns out I was only four bosses away; whodathunkit? 

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